Monday, September 19, 2011

Taking a Break

When I first started blogging back in May last year, I never thought "Hilde's books" (the name at the time) would be anything more than a place to store my book reviews. I didn't even think of them as reviews, they were just my mostly incoherent thoughts on the books I was reading. Now, almost one and a half years and 96 followers later, The Turn of the Page is a source of great joy - but unfortunately also a growing headache.

I have to admit I'm feeling the pressure of creating quality content, not to mention reading - review books or otherwise. I have never been very creative about this blog, which the number of original posts reflect, nor do I read enough to be able to post reviews regularly. To be honest I have no idea why so many of you follow me! But because you do, I feel obligated to provide real content and sadly I haven't been able to fulfill this obligation for a while now. In a way I hit the wall at the start of summer, when I suddenly didn't feel like reading much anymore. Because of my reading slump I found myself with several review books that needed to be read rather quickly, and I think my brain interpreted that as assigned reading and decided it simply didn't feel like it. Since then I haven't read more than one or two books each month, and that is certainly not enough material to keep up a book blog. So I have decided that it's better for me to take the pressure off for a while and concentrate on rediscovering the joy of reading, because right now I'm not enjoying it at all. I will still post reviews as I finish books, and I'll do my best to finish the challenges I've joined. I might even do the odd meme or other bookish post to stay in the game, but I won't force myself to post when I have nothing to say.

I never expected this blog to last as long as it has, and all the credit for that goes to you, my dear readers. Your comments and interactions have brightened many a dreary day, and I'm sorry for not visting your blogs more. I do hope you'll stick around even if I don't post much for a while, but if you don't, I'll understand.

Thank you for your support, and I'll see you soon!

– Hilde


Carine said...

I came across your blog through a Top Ten Tuesday post. I really liked the name of your blog and when I read that you were a translator, just like I am, I decided to become a follower.
I also have a blog, in French, but I don't write often, rarely more than 4-5 posts a month. And most are not book-related. I use my blog a little as a family journal where I record what we did, and so on. Have a nice break and enjoy rediscovering reading for pleasure!

Mystery Reader said...

Totally understood! I have to take breaks all the time. I'll be ready to read your blog when you're back again.

Anonymous said...

The break sounds like a good thing. Also, a blog with a few reviews now and then are much more to my liking than the ones that participate in 50 different challenges and have too many posts.
Enjoy your books.

Hilde said...

Thanks for understanding, guys. I think everyone needs a break from their routines now and then, no matter what they do. And I've already started thinking about future posts, so it seems to be working. :)

Carine - hélas je ne parle pas assez de francais pour lire ton blog, mais merci de me suivre!

Two Bibliomaniacs said...

I can totally relate (especially lately). Hopefully you have a nice break and really enjoy some good books!

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