Monday, June 30, 2014

It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. It is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.


Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch
Guys, this book. I have no words. It's incredible. Locke and Jean are such amazing characters, and the plot is so full of twists and turns, you never know what's going to happen next. I was laughing, I was crying, I was at the edge of my seat and biting my nails ... in short, I loved it. I know I keep saying this, but you need to read the Gentleman Bastard series. Best fantasy series ever.

Bring Him Back by Scott Mariani
This is another prequel novella to the Ben Hope thriller series. It's fun reading about a young Hope and finding out what made him who he is today, but as always I wish these novellas were longer.

This was the first book off my summer TBR list. You can see what I thought of it here.

Serenity: Those Left Behind by Joss Whedon, Brett Matthews and Will Conrad
This is a graphic novel based on the brilliant but gone-too-soon TV series Firefly. The story is set in between the show and the movie Serenity. It was nice to visit that universe again, even in comic book format.

Inkheart by Cornelia Funke
I have already read the first two books in the Inkheart trilogy, but I wanted to reread them before picking up the last book. This is a wonderful story about 12-year-old Meggie who loves books. Her father can read characters out of books but this is a dangerous ability to have.

Goodreads challenge status: Read 22 of 35 books – 5 books ahead of schedule.


I've started the second book in the Inkheart trilogy, Inkspell by Cornelia Funke. I've never read a series back to back before, I always break it up with other books in between, so it will be an interesting experience.


Next I will pick up Inkdeath, the last book in the trilogy. I can't wait to see how it all ends. After that I'll probably choose another from my summer TBR list.

What are you reading this week?

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