Friday, July 23, 2010

Book Beginnings on Friday (3)

Book Beginnings on Friday is a meme hosted by Becky at Page Turners. Anyone can participate; just share the opening sentence of your current read, making sure that you include the title and author so others know what you're reading. If you like, share with everyone why you do, or do not, like the sentence.

I'm currently reading Ice Station by Matthew Reilly, a thriller set in Antarctica. This is the opening sentence of the prologue:

It had been three hours now since they'd lost radio contact with the two divers.

I like this opening; we're taken right into the story and we realise immediately that something bad has happened. The question is what and to whom, and we have to keep reading to figure that out.


Jo @ Booklover Book Reviews said...

I absolutely loved this book - it was the first Reilly I had read and I have gone back for many more since - enjoy!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

It does tell me that there is going to be adventure, danger, and all kinds of drama. I like it.

Here's mine:

Cat said...

It's definitely an opening line that suggests action and adventure and makes you want to read more to find out what will happen.

Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

I have heard only good things about this book but I've never actually read it. I'll look forward to your review. The opening sentence seems to be starting right in the middle of something which I'm not a fan of but I'm sure it's still an exciting read

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