Friday, July 2, 2010

Book Beginnings on Friday (2)

Book Beginnings on Friday is a meme hosted by Becky at Page Turners. Anyone can participate; just share the opening sentence of your current read, making sure that you include the title and author so others know what you're reading. If you like, share with everyone why you do, or do not, like the sentence.

I'm currently reading Inkspell by Cornelia Funke (second in the Inkheart trilogy). I'm on page 80 or thereabouts, and love it. Each chapter opens with a quote from another book, so I decided to use this quote as well as the first sentence.

Note: I'm obviously reading the English translation by Anthea Bell. I wish my German was good enough to read it in the language it was originally written. Someday, perhaps.

He has been trying to sing
Love into existence again

And he has failed.

- Margaret Atwood, "Orpheus 2", Eating Fire

Twilight was gathering, and Orpheus still wasn't there.


Kathy Martin said...

I like the quote and the sentence. I hope you enjoy the book. My Book Beginning is here.

Unknown said...

The first thing that struck me, we've got similar tastes in blog templates. :-)

I enjoyed reading the Inkworld trilogy. Don't you just love the way every chapter starts with a quote from some other book ?


Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

I have heard good things about the Inkheart series. I hope that you are enjoying it. It sounds like a really interesting story

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